TRIESTE – The Nautical Academy of the Adriatic has called for a supplementary selection for courses that do not include the educational paths for Engineers and Deck Officers. Therefore, until October 14, it will be possible to enrol in the two years 2021-23 for Design, Logistics and Cyber Security.
The new selection is scheduled for October 18 and 19, while the planned selections have already started. Pandemic from Covid-19 and bureaucracy have delayed the enrollments, and that’s why the Higher Technical Institute has decided to extend the time and collect more accessions.
The course for Higher Technician for infomobility and logistic infrastructures will be held both in Trieste and Pordenone. Only in Trieste, on the other hand, there will be courses for Higher Technician for the production and maintenance of ships and their infrastructures and Higher Technician for the architectures and infrastructures for maritime communication systems (Cyber security). The latter course has recently undergone an upgrade, moving to the classic two-year formula.
The Academy’s training courses have so far guaranteed about 90% of graduates employed within one year of the end of the two-year teaching period (+ 10% compared to the national average) and about 94% of graduates employed in a sector consistent with training (+ 2% compared to the national average).
Trieste, Nautical Academy extends the deadline for enrolling in courses