TRIESTE – An upgrade of the Cybersecurity course and a confirmation of the branch in Pordenone for the logistics course are the novelties of the new year of study for the Nautical Academy of the Adriatic.
The courses are about to start and, after the publication of the announcements, the enrolments for the activities that will begin in October are in the home stretch. Meanwhile, participants in the courses have been equated with university students in terms of access in compliance with the rules to limit the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Council of Ministers meeting on Thursday, September 9, in fact, approved the decree-law “Urgent measures to cope with the emergency from COVID-19 in schools, higher education and social health care”, which extends the obligation to show the “Green pass” also to those who attend the Technical Institutes of Higher Education. The provisions introduced by the decree law remain in force until the end of 2021 (December 31), the deadline for the end of the state of emergency,
In the meantime, at the end of September, registrations for courses are closed and, once again this year, they are arousing great interest, even though there has been a slowdown in choices, following the national trend due to the consequences of the pandemic.
The success of enrollment has led to the decision to establish a two-year course of study for the Cybersecurity expert systems engineer. The initiative is not the result of chance but dates back to a contact in 2019, when the Technical Institute organized a conference on the subject with Assoarmatori.
The interest in training dedicated to Logistics Technicians is confirmed. A confirmation also for the branch office of Pordenone, where the commitment of the Academy was expressed in the creation of a computer room. The success of the course for Railway Engine drivers (in Gorizia) continued. There were even recruitment cases before the end of the course itself, with companies committed to completing their studies for the students already hired. Unlike nautical courses, where on-board training is the result of a national agreement, the Academy deals with the various carriers every year for railway workers.
Finally, the historical courses for Naval Design and Production Technicians (in Trieste) and Deck and Machine Officer Cadets (in Trieste) continue.
The Academy’s training courses have so far guaranteed about 90% of graduates employed within one year of the end of the studies (+10% compared to the national average) and about 94% of graduates employed in a sector consistent with training (+2% compared to the national average).
Nautical Academy, confirmation for logistics in Pordenone and a two-year course for Cybersecurity